Listing # 15-0976

Over Half An Acre In Choteau, MT
Residential Building Lot For Sale
Power On The Back & Well In Front

Listing # 15-0976 $60,000

Residential building lot for sale in Choteau, Montana. This nice lot is located on the south edge of Choteau and boasts 0.529 acres. Not very often you see this size of lot available in town. Just over half an acre of an unimproved lot. Power on the back of the property and a well near the front. City services are in the street. Dirt has been hauled in to raise the lot. With some landscaping and city approval, should be ready to build. Zoned "A" Residential. Contact The 2 Buck's Inc Team for your private showing at 406-590-5109. Priced at $60,000.

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